Friday, May 23, 2014

The United Thank Offering Ingathering and High Tea Celebration

More Pictures are online here.

Women from around the diocese gathered as guests of St. Thomas Church, Greenville to present their parishes contributions to the National United Thank Offering.  The day began with a greeting by Marjorie Reeves-Briden who explained the spirit of the offerings which is to save coins for those daily moments that give us pleasure, relief, and maybe a delightful surprise.  She said that those coins of thanksgiving mount up during the year, and, at the end, the fruits of giving thanks reach throughout the country to give others cause for thanksgiving.  The women and men throughout the diocese contributed over $3,000 to the National UTO during this ingathering.

Bishop Knisely celebrated communion and preached about God’s abundance, likening it to the bursting forth of growth in the spring.  The Reverend Susan Carpenter, rector of St. Thomas Church, Greenville, shared her parish’s joyful experience in participating in the Church Beyond Walls.  In their giving to others they have grown in the joy of sharing fellowship and nurturance of others, both in their community and in the Burnside Park Ministry.  The offering at the Eucharist went to support the ministry of Church Beyond Walls and it was bolstered by a wonderful raffle of baskets of tea and tea related items.

The high tea party was a wonderful success.  The women of St. Thomas Church prepared delicate tea sandwiches and sweets that were presented in beautiful fashion as those present sat around round tables and shared good fellowship.  Tables were bedecked with fine china, and many women wore fancy hats to match the fine old tradition of high tea.